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Green Meadows Student Accommodation, Piet Bosman Street, Cnr Retief, Potchefstroom, South Africa

Uso Misto | Vendita


Green Meadows is a fully tenanted, A-Grade Student Accommodation Village located in Potchefstroom. The investment comprises 28 buildings constructed over stilted parking, comprised of 3 or 4 stories. Construction is face brick with aluminium framed windows and topped with IBR roof sheeting.

The property includes 829 (1,2 &4 bedroom) units which are operating at full occupancy, testament to the resilient demand for student housing in Potchefstroom. The property is completed by a variety of amenities, including communal areas, pool, laundromat ,study centre, gym, cafeteria and 24/7 access control. security.


Agente Immobiliare